The aim of the project is to monitor changes in processed foods supply available on the French market by measuring nutritional quality evolution, over time (nutritional composition and labelling information).

In order to ensure that the progress made benefits all consumers, collected data are analyzed according to socio-economic parameters (types of brand, sales volumes and sometimes average prices).

The Oqali project aims at:

  • Collecting and analyzing nutritional and socio-economic data related to food products ;
  • Monitoring changes in the food supply nutritional quality, by including retrospective dimensions to the greatest extent possible ;
  • Clarifying and assessing public and private interventions for a constant improvement of the food supply ;
  • Supporting initiatives favoring the adoption of strategies aimed at improving the food supply nutritional quality and monitoring their implementation.

Data analysis are conducted by food sector (only for processed food). A distinction is made according to the different market segments (national brands, retailer brands, entry-level retailer brands, hard discount brands, specialized retailer brands, specialized organic retailer brands).

Oqali makes it possible to objectively measure and publicize the efforts made by food industry actors, particularly in the context of the voluntary nutritional progress charters provided by the PNNS and the collective agreements provided by the PNA.

This monitoring strengthens up the partnership approach developed by the public authorities to encourage the food industry to meet public health objectives and consumer expectations.