Nutri-Score follow-up
Follow-up of the implementation of the Nutri-Score
Food manufacturers and distributors who commit to using the Nutri-Score (a labelling scheme recommended by public authorities) must provide to Oqali all the necessary information by filling the following document: Nutri-Score follow-up form (Annex 4) (French document).
Once the form is completed, it must be submitted via the following link: click here.
All Oqali publications based on these data are available under Oqali publications > Nutri-Score follow-up (in French)
Presentation of the published Nutri-Score follow-up data
The most recent forms completed by committed operators, transmitted until 03/06/2021 (and exceptionally until 29/06/2021, for large market shares), have been gathered in the following document : Follow-up of the Nutri-Score Oqali 2021_12_16 (French document).
This document contains every column from Annex 4, as indicated by the professionals engaged, without controls from Oqali, and also an added column named “Formulaire d’origine” (original formulary) with the name and date of the formulary considered.
Warning : notice that with the augmentation of professionals registered and engaged in the Nutri-Score, and consequently, the augmentation of formularies to check by Oqali, only information relating to the most large committed operators in terms of market parts and/or turnover are considered in part A of the French study “Follow-up of the nutri-score by Oqali – annual review” (French document), published by Oqali in 2021 (the detail of the selection of committed operators is presented in the report, part A2)..
Using and quoting of the follow-up data of the Nutri-Score published
Oqali is not responsible for the use of these publicly opened data, not responsible for eventual processing realized on them, not responsible for inferences deducted from them and not responsible for every information communicated from them.
Oqali makes data available for the public. Thereby they must not been used without referring to the following source : Oqali. Public data_Follow up of the Nutri score. Extraction from DD-MM-YYYY”. This mention must not suggest an acknowledgment or guarantee from Oqali for the reuse of these data and conditions it is realized.
In accordance with the provisions from Article 12 from Law No 78-753 of 17th July 1978 which refers to various measures to improve relations between the administration and the public and various administrative, fiscal and social’s dispositions. Except with the agreement of Oqali, the reuse of information online is authorized if it is not altered, distorted and if their source and last updated date are mentioned. The fraudulent reuse of Oqali data expose the contravening to a fine imposed by the CADA in accordance with the provisions from Articles 18 and 22 from the law quoted above and Articles 20 and following from Decree No 2005-1755 of 30th December 2005 which refers to the liberty to access to administrative documents and the reuse of public data, taken for the application of Law No 78-753 of 17th July 1978.
Data made available in this section are coming from forms completed by professionals engaged in the follow-up of the Nutri-Score. Oqali is not responsible for the presence of eventual errors, inconsistencies and/or missing value that are the responsibility of professionals.