Scientific publications

Battisti, C.; Chambefort, A.; Digaud, O.; Duplessis, B.; Perrin, C.; Volatier, JL.; Gauvreau-Beziat, J.; Menard, C., 2017. Allergens labeling on French processed foods – an Oqali study. Food Science and Nutrition. 1-8

Combris, P.; Goglia, R.; Henini, M.; Soler, L.G.; Spiteri, M., 2011. Improvement of the nutritional quality of foods as a public health tool. Public Health. 125 (10), 717-724

Goglia, R.; Spiteri, M.; Menard, C.; Dumas, C.; Combris, P.; Labarbe, B.; Soler, L.G.; Volatier, J.L., 2010. Nutritional quality and labelling of ready-to-eat breakfast cereals: the contribution of the French observatory of food quality. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 64 (S3), 20-25

Menard, C.; Dumas, C.; Gillot, N.; Laurent, L.; Labarbe, B.; Ireland, J.; Volatier, J.-L., 2012. The French OQALI survey on dairy products: comparison of nutrient contents and other nutrition information on labels among types of brands. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. 25, 323-333

Menard, C.; Dumas, C.; Goglia, R.; Spiteri, M.; Gillot, N.; Combris, P.; Ireland, J.; Soler, L.G.; Volatier, J.L., 2011. OQALI: A French database on processed foods. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. 24 (4-5), 744-749

Perrin, C.; Battisti, C.; Chambefort, A.; Digaud, O.; Duplessis, B.; Volatier, JL.; Gauvreau-Beziat, J.; Menard, C., 2017. Range of processed foods available in France and nutrition labelling according to the type of brand. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis

Perrin, C.; Battisti, C.; Chambefort, A.; Digaud, O.; Duplessis, B.; Volatier, JL.; Gauvreau-Béziat, J.; Menard, C., 2018. A comparison of the nutritional content of processed foods available on the French market, according to the type of brand, and potential impact on nutrient intakes – An Oqali study. Food Science and Nutrition. 1-12

Spiteri, M.; Soler, LG., 2017. Food reformulation and nutritional quality of food consumption: an analysis based on households panel data in France. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition